All students are required to reside in Wittenberg housing for 4 years (8 semesters). Space in University-owned houses and apartments is restricted to students who are in their third or fourth year and have earned 60 credit hours as defined by the Registrar. *All housing agreements are binding for the entire academic year.*
Completion of this form does not guarantee that your request will be granted. Students should not enter into any housing agreement prior to approval/denial of this application.
Submission of this application gives the Office of Residence Life permission to contact the parent/legal guardian, program facilitator, or other University offices to confirm intent of residency, program participation, or extenuating circumstances.
Requests granted after the start of the semester are subject to University refund policy. Any rate changes will follow standard proration/refund policies.
Moving from a Wittenberg residence hall or property to a non-resident status may impact your financial aid.
The approval/denial of this application is dependent upon the conditions which the initial approval/denial was given. If any of the conditions change in any way (e.g. parent/legal guardian moves; student moves out of parent/legal guardian house; participation in study away program is cancelled; etc.), the student must reapply and receive approval for new conditions.
Students who apply for exemption with inaccurate information (e.g. a student who indicates they will be commuting from parent/legal guardian primary residence but is renting from a private landlord in town) will be charged through the student conduct system and can be held responsible financially for the standard double room rate.
Notification of approval/denial will be sent to your Wittenberg email.
Approval of this request does not impact meal plans. If this release is granted during the semester, you must contact Kristina Bryant ( or 937-327-7808) to change/cancel your plan for the semester no later than the Thursday after classes begin.
"I certify that all information presented is accurate. I have read and understand Wittenberg University's Residence Policy as stated above".